Healing Resources from Andrew Harvey

Andrew Harvey is far and away, one of my favorite thinkers and writers on sacred activism. This web site contains an essential list of beautiful and valuable resources for dealing with these challenging times. He doesn’t mince words and yet he offers hope.

Examples: “Anyone who isn’t prepared to see the extremity of what is happening, is enabling disaster. 

“Anyone who isn’t prepared to do the intense work that is required to become love in action is allowing the dark to destroy the planet.”

The great good news is that this death could be the birth canal of an unprecedented birth. The birth of an embodied divine humanity that lives in humble harmony with the Creation.”


Coming (virtual) events

There is much going on in the Zoomaverse these days. Perhaps you, like me, are feeling Zoomindated – but here are some I think you all may enjoy.

Wednesday, 15 April (tonight!) Zoom Dances of Universal Peacehttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/73533167033?pwd=SkdFa0t2UEo4NCtCbkRKcFlENUdBUT09

Saturday, 18 April – 11 am – 1 pm – Ruhaniat Family gatheringhttps://zoom.us/j/6709597865?pwd=ZUpDVU1JTWs1bSt4a2ozMkN3VjdWQT09

Sunday, 19 April – 10 – 11:30 AM – Imam Jamal Rahman Sunday Servicehttps://zoom.us/j/97034307506
Followed by online social at 11:45https://zoom.us/j/95872940958

Sunday, 19 April – 7 – 9pm – Puget Sound Area Zoom Zikr – I’ll be leading along with Hassan, Daniel Hamid, Zarifah, Khadija, and Mansur – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81483204577?pwd=WUE1NUdRUlM1c1pLWUw0QnptUW4yQT09

Thursday, 30 April – 7 – 9 pm – One Being, One Root – my ritual of remembrance – in honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day – an opportunity to hear presenters from six directions with messages from their most ancient traditions on our responsibility to care for our sacred earth. – https://zoom.us/j/725938294?pwd=NzhIeWR3blFPNTJVSUhaNElWSzJqZz09

Cogent and timely article – Does Coronavirus Inspire Optimism Or Pessimism? By Paul Levy

An excellent and timely 15 minute read – highly recommended.

Here are a few excerpts:

“For people who are losing their source of income and/or their own health or the very lives of their loved ones, to hear someone proclaiming the many gifts that the pandemic bears can sound like so much new-age, feel-good, magical thinking nonsense. And yet, their reaction, though justified and steeped in truth, is revealing something about how to navigate the nature of the conversation into which we have all gotten drafted.”

“The fact that an event causes mass suffering doesn’t preclude that it can also contain within it a transformative gift – oftentimes events like these are the necessary catalyst to transform both individuals and our species as a whole.”

“And yet, these two polar opposite points of view—the pessimistic viewpoint which sees us creating hell on earth and the optimistic point of view which imagines that the pandemic will bring in a new, more grace-filled world—though seemingly contradictory and mutually exclusive, can both be seen to be potentially valid depending on the reference point through which they are viewed. It is as if our very situation is deeply “quantum” in nature, in that all possibilities exist in a state of quantum superposition, like multiple transparencies overlaid on each other, and which potential reality actually manifests depends upon how we relate to and make meaning out of what is being revealed to us.”
