The Unbroken – poetry

I received this from an online community hosted by Mirabai Starr and Willow Brook called Holy Lament.

It is a poignant reminder that we can hold our broken hearts with our unbroken souls.

The Unbroken

There is a brokenness

out of which comes the unbroken,

a shatteredness

out of which blooms the unshatterable.

There is a sorrow

beyond all grief which leads to joy

and a fragility

out of whose depths emerges strength.

There is a hollow space

too vast for words

through which we pass with each loss,

out of whose darkness

we are sanctioned into being.

There is a cry deeper than all sound

whose serrated edges cut the heart

as we break open to the place inside

which is unbreakable and whole,

while learning to sing.

 -Rashani Reá

A Fathers Day Gift

From one of my most beloved and trusted indigenous teachers, Dine elder Pat McCabe and the excellent podcast “The Mythic Masculine” by Ian McKenzie, comes this profound and valuable interview called “Thriving Life & A Prayer for All Men” where Pat McCabe reminds us, “Men are not the Patriarchy.”

We can indeed choose our paradigm and reclaim our mythologies as stewards and lovers. I promise this is well worth the hour of your life you will spend listening.

Prayer to the Feminine Spirit from Mirabai Starr

Divine Feminine Prayer

Spiritual teacher and friend Mirabai Starr guides us in a prayer to God using feminine language. We invite you to breathe intentionally for a few moments, feel your breath as it moves through your body, and receive the words of this prayer. Click here or on the image below. 

Beloved One 



Feminine Presence 




Please come flowing into every open window in our souls right now, 

as we call to you.  

Infuse every cell of our bodies with your fierce and tender Mother-Wisdom.  

Give us the strength to speak truth to power in these fractured times.  

Give us the tenderness and humility to listen deeply 

to those that we are conditioned to otherize. 

And remind us again and again when we forget that we belong to each other,  

and we belong to you.  


Divine Feminine Blessing meditation with Mirabai Starr

Mirabai Starr, “Divine Feminine Blessing,” Center for Action and Contemplation, March 1, 2023, YouTube video, 3:29.  

We Rise

As people of faith, in whatever one looks to for inspiration – we feel the suffering and despair and we choose to rise again each day with a prayer for guidance toward ways we can lift up the humans and more than humans around us.

This beautiful video/song is inspiration for us all: