Chanting with Gina Sala

I truly love Gina’s spirit and her open heart. I can’t recommend spending time with her highly enough.

From Gina:

Namaste chant friends! Jai Hanuman!

Blessed full moon, friends. What a potent
time this is! Today is Good Friday, Hanuman Jayanthi and the beginning
of Passover! And this weekend is celebrated Easter and the miraculous power
of Love (as how I see it). And Earth Day on Monday!

Please join me Monday 4/22 for a special Earth Day chant/raga/mantra
session at Shanti Shala (7:30-9pm). And I’ll offer a harmonium class if
there is interest at 6:15.

I am looking forward to chanting with you after
so much time away sharing on this path of sound. Pls, RSVP to for either or both classes. The class will also help
benefit Protectors of the Salish Sea.

Also, I’m very excited and pleased to invite you to join the 2019 Awakening
Voice Sound School. I’ll have a mini immersion on Saturday 4/27 from

Again, pls RSVP. The Sound Schools are a powerful, transformative
offering – the one I’m most moved by and people fly in to be part of them.
Please write for details: No experience needed. “one
the most incredible experiences of my life” is how Kathleen Whalen of
Conscious Calendars describes it.

Whatever your path, may you feel the blessing of this Divine Light guiding
you from inside, illuminating with love even the most seemingly unloved

You are Beloved. You are That!

Jaya Sita Ram