From Sister Gina:
Ya Salaam-
Blessings to you and a quick note of invitation to you on this glorious day
after the new moon! My heart is wide and Shanti Shala is ringing with great
vibrations and blooms! Join me Monday May 6 7:30pm for a spring celebratory
chant class. (Mantra, Raga, Chant, Community). I’ll also have class May 13.
Please RSVP to if you are interested in coming–no
experience necessary, all are welcome. Let me know if you are interested in
harmonium class. Let’s let our hearts bloom like the blossoms of spring
with our roots deep and strong!
Last chance to join for Awakening Voice Sound School first year! Please
write to I love that science is now catching up with the
benefits of singing and connecting in the heart- more on that soon!
“Divine sound is the cause of all manifestation. The knower of the mystery
of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe.”
― Hazrat Inayat Khan
Love, full easy breath and deep roots to you!
Peace to all. Love to all.