
It’s been awhile beloved friends. It seems that much of what I’m called to now is spending time with loss and lamentation.

In today’s post I’ll share these moving and profound thoughts from Fr Richard Rohr’s most recent blog. Soon, I’ll follow that up with a poem that arose during a silent meditation retreat in the nearby forest.

“When we go to the place of tears, it’s an inner attitude where when I can’t fix it, when I can’t explain it, when I can’t control it, when I can’t even understand it, I can only forgive it. Let go of it, weep over it. It’s a different mode of being.”
—Richard Rohr 

Weep for the World

We invite readers to listen and lament with the song Weep for the Worldwritten and performed by Brian McLaren to express our human desire to both grieve and heal from the harm we have caused.  

Let us weep for the world 
being broken apart 
by humans,  
foolish humans. 
Let us grieve the desecration  
of forest and stream, 
of glacier and ocean and humans,  
like us.  

Let us be mindful of the children,  
being born today,  
in a world torn apart 
by humans.  
Let us show our children  
a more excellent way  
to walk on the earth and be human,  
truly human.  

Let us love this world  
we’ve been breaking apart  
and let our love bring wholeness.  
And let us love one another  
with a compassionate heart  
for it is love that makes us human, human. 

Let us weep for the world  
We are breaking apart,  
so we can love it back  
to wholeness.  
Let our hearts be stretched  
by great sorrow and love,  
so they will never contract  
to being less than human.

Brian McLaren, Weep for the World

2 Replies to “Lament”

  1. So powerful and moving. Thank you for helping me put words to the ache in my chest. Brian McLaren… new to me. Grateful.

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