Living and Thriving in the In Between Places

There is much beauty and value in noticing and embracing the times between the parts of our lives. One can experience this in meditation by spending time between the in and out breaths and genuinely feeling what that place of silence and stillness holds for us.

My friends Tovah and Ted of the Anokhi Institute sent out the following beautiful essay last week. They offer many classes and events relating to mystic practice. I can’t recommend them highly enough.

We mark a new year, yet still in the peak of the darkness and quiet of the winter season. A time of transition and introspection.

Life’s most transformative moments often occur in these spaces between—between the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. This in-between space can feel unsettling, even disorienting, as we are suspended in a place where the familiar has faded and the new is not yet formed.

This pause, however, is sacred. It is a liminal space—a threshold where deep reflection and inner transformation can occur. Just as the soil lies fallow in winter to prepare for spring’s growth, we, too, need these periods of stillness to process, reflect, and envision. The pause between what was and what will be is a gift, though it may not always feel like one. It is here, in the quiet, that clarity and inspiration often emerge.

Embrace this quiet space as an invitation to slow down and listen. What do you hear when the noise of doing subsides? What truths emerge when there is nothing to distract you? This pause allows us to step outside the momentum of our habits and reflect deeply on the unfolding of our lives. It is a time to ask profound questions: What do I truly value? What seeds am I planting for springtime sprouting? What am I being called to nurture at this time?

The in-between can also be a time for recalibration. Transitioning from one season to the next, one year to the next, can unsettle our routines, habits, and patterns, offering a chance to realign with our deeper selves. By embracing this quiet time, we give ourselves the spaciousness to imagine new possibilities. It is here, in this fertile void, that our own inner genius inspires us to envision what could be.

At its heart, this pause reminds us of the quiet power of stillness. Even when no outward signs of change are visible, transformation is unfolding beneath the surface, preparing us for new possibilities. Like seeds germinating in the darkness of the soil, the changes we are readying ourselves for are often invisible until the right moment to emerge. This requires patience—a willingness to let go of control and allow life to unfold in its natural rhythm.

However, the in-between space can also bring discomfort. Uncertainty, doubt, and even fear may surface as we navigate the unknown. These feelings are natural, and they, too, carry wisdom. Discomfort invites us to explore the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what we need. It asks us to trust that we are capable of meeting the mystery of the moment, even without all the answers.

Discomfort, while challenging, can also be a catalyst for transformation. By leaning into it with curiosity rather than resistance, we may discover insights and inner resources we didn’t know we had. 

Takeaway Practice:

Dedicate time each day to sit quietly and reflect on the in-between. Light a candle or create a ritual to mark this pause. Ask yourself:

What seeds of transformation am I planting in this pause?

What possibilities or inspirations are quietly emerging within me?

Allow the answers to arise organically, trusting that clarity will come in its own time.

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