Musical Relief from Suffering

This beautiful practice comes from Richard Rohr’s Blog – very appropriate and helpful in these times and really in any time. 

Practice: Where to Start

This past week in [Richard Rohr’s] daily meditations we have been talking about suffering. Through practice we can discover that God is present with us in our suffering, permeating it with love and compassion and sustaining us in ways we cannot understand. God’s presence in our suffering means that our suffering, fear, or shame do not have the power to name who we are. God’s love names us as infinitely precious in our vulnerability.

James Finley, one of our core faculty members, and Alana Levandoski, a Living School alum, collaborated on a beautiful musical experience that can lead us through our suffering to discover our preciousness. Listen to their words and music and open your heart to taking the first step, to learn how to be “vulnerable and safe at the same time” in the heartfelt presence of a trustworthy guide.

I don’t know where to start.
Or how to bare this heart.
But I fear I’ve become what’s been done to me.

Move slowly, move slowly,
move slowly into deep water.

You are safe with me,
no longer thrown out to sea.
Now it’s time to breathe.

Click here to listen to these gentle, encouraging songs.