October 24th or 25th – Seattle Peace Chorus Virtual Concert
On Saturday or Sunday evening, 24 or 25 October 2020, after 5:30 pm PDT, a link will appear on the welcome page of our website, seattlepeacechorus.org, to direct you to our premier concert on YouTube. We will encourage you to try the link, making sure that you can view and hear the concert, then to return to the website for the concert program and other materials.

Additional guest artists:
- Singer from the Haida tribe—Sondra Segundo
- Renowned African-American dancer—Chris Daigre
- Cellist—Gretchen Yanover
Please spread the word to your family and friends, and by all means VOTE!
This show is free, but if you would be willing to support our work, please donate what you would pay for a ticket: $10, $15, $20, or $25:
Donate to Seattle Peace Chorus
October 31 – 11 AM – Ruhaniat Family Zoom
Zoom link here Meeting ID: 850 7142 0455 Password: 507622
From Shabda: With all heart we invite you to join Pirani Tamam and myself, with a focus on the Mysticism of Music through the lens of a Sufi Choir Retrospective guided by Maestro Allaudin Mathieu, with original Sufi Choir members Fatima Lassar, Zuleikha, Abraham Sussman, Dara Young and myself.
In 1969 Murshid Sam requested our Maestro Allaudin Mathieu to start a “Sufi Choir”! As we began, we met in Allaudin’s basement with Murshid Samuel Lewis in attendance singing bass. Around 1972 our first public gig as the Sufi Choir was opening for the Grateful Dead at the historical rock and roll venue, Winterland in San Francisco. Further exploits had us singing on stage election night at Jerry Brown “ headquarters”, with national TV coverage, the evening he was first elected to be the Governor of California. The Sufi Choir also made several LP Records which are now CD’s.
October 31 – 7:30 PM – Seattle Area Unity Zikr
Zoom link here Meeting ID: 868 0868 1629 Passcode: 598143
The essence of God is love and the Sufi path is a path of love. It is very difficult to describe love in words. It is like trying to describe honey to someone who has never tasted or even seen honey, who doesn’t know what honey is. Love is to see what is good and beautiful in everything. It is to learn from everything, to see the gifts of God and the generosity of God in everything. It is to be thankful for all God’s bounties. This is the first step on the road to the love of God. This is just a seed of love. In time, the seed will grow and become a tree and bear fruit. Then, whoever tastes of that fruit will know what real love is. Muzaffer Ozak • Love is the Wine
Halveti-Jerrahis • Inayati Order • Mevlevi Order of America
Sufi Ruhaniat Int’l • Rifai-Marufi Order
Saturday, October 31, 2020 7:30 pm PDT
CHARITY: Vashon Youth & Family Services Home 2 Vashon Project
Halveti-JerrahI 10/31/20 allthingsrich99@gmail.com (206) 713-6917
Inayati Order 1/30/21 sarmad@michaeltide.com (425) 835-0817
Mevlevi Order of America 5/29/21 seattlemoa@gmail.com (206) 784-1532
Sufi Ruhaniat Int’l 7/31/21 halway@comcast.net mailto:halway@comcast.net (206) 850-2111
Rifa’i-Marufi Order Rumi Festival #5 rmoseattle@gmail.com (206) 235-1902
Local Sufi tariqat representatives and friends traveling the inner path in community and mutual respect for decades gather on the fifth Saturday of the month for Zikr and to make a charitable contribution. Please connect on time.
POST TARIQAT Selects a charity, holds post, opens, closes.
SACRED ATMOSPHERE No announcements, please.
2020 2/29 • 5/30 • 8/29 • Rumi Festival #4 • 10/31
2021 1/30 • 5/29 • 7/31 • Rumi Festival #5 • 10/30