Still room in our next “Before You Go” end of life planning workshop

There is still room in our next “Before You Go” End of Life planning workshop. Please spread the word. Anyone over 18 years of age will benefit from having these ducks linear!😘

Our next Before You Go End of Life Planning workshop will be on Zoom beginning at 3:30 PM Pacific Time on Tuesday 17 September.

“We’re all going to die and we don’t know when…” says my friend and mentor Rev. Bodhi Be who runs perhaps the only non-profit Funeral Home.

Given that important and poignant truth, there are many things we can do to prepare ourselves and to save our loved ones time and stress when that time comes for all of us.

In this class, we will consider the myriad choices, documentation, records, etc. one can prepare beforehand and get a good start on those preparations.

There are many similar and excellent courses available. However, in this class, we will explore the legal documentation, practical considerations, relational networks, wishes for your memorial and your body’s disposition, and much more. All of this information is valuable to anyone regardless of age or state of health.

Register for this online Zoom class here:

Payment is sliding scale ($20 – $100) and can be sent to @drmatthewsusa via either Venmo or PayPal or CashApp. You can also contact me ( if you need to arrange alternate payment methods.