Wednesday Dances of Univeral Peace – Murshid Sam Urs Celebration

From our Sister Hayra:

Tuesday is the 48th anniversary of Murshid Sam’s passing.*

On Wednesday, we will have the enlivening opportunity to share a small sampling from the original body of Dances of Universal Peace, along with dances radiating light.
Let’s invite that blessing stream together!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019
7:30 – 9 PM
Keystone Congregational Church
5019 Keystone Place North
Seattle, WA 98103

Murad and Hayra

PS Thanks to Jahnavi for drumming for us on this special occasion.

*In Sufi tradition the death of a master is called “Urs”, which translates “wedding day”. A realized being may be more completely reunited with the great Oneness when giving up the body. This is cause for celebration!