Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture and Wasifa to Counter Them

The Kinship admin team has been working with a very compelling document called “The Characteristics of White Supremacy” by Tema Okun. We highly recommend visiting their web page here for much more information and an ongoing and dynamic conversation.

Basheera was inspired one day by the realization that our Sufi wasifah practice offers us ways in which we can work with ourselves and this beloved community to counter those characteristics which are the ocean we swim in, so often ways we are acting and reacting without our even noticing.

This link will take you to the beginning of a work in progress that Basheera is continuing to revise, so you can see how this might be a powerful tool for all of us going forward. These are the first three characteristics (out of eighteen total). Once it is complete (although it will remain a dynamic document), we will send out a link to the entire thing.