A Beautiful Follow-up to Appreciation for our Bodies

With a deep bow of gratitude for my dear friend Amira Sara who posted this on her Facebook and Instagram feeds and gave permission to share it here.

Reflections from the past couple of weeks:

  1. It is never an inappropriate time to work in liberation theory and look for ways for it to be grounded in reality.
  2. Just because things have been a certain way, doesn’t mean it can’t change into something that is more reflective of the current space and time.
  3. People’s trepidation about where you are coming from, or your end game, is oftentimes not about you. That’s when #1, above, becomes handy.
  4. It is ok to allow yourself to take up your space, even if it is uncomfortable. Your liberation is valuable and working towards that is what makes it possible to work for others.
  5. Community work is sticky, messy, and complicated. Walk tenderly but be like an oak tree; deep roots and a strong trunk. Let your peeps rest against your trunks and give them shade in the hot cultural sun. Sink into your roots and let them nourish you.
  6. No matter where you came from, or where you have gone, you belong to this grand creation. It is ok to walk from there.
  7. Change is our only constant. Our babies are gonna grow up & our elders are gonna leave. That shit’s hard and deeply beautiful.