A Helpful Practice from Atum O’Kane

The following is a practice that I would like to suggest you contemplate in the beginning of your day, in the early afternoon, and in the later evening before falling asleep…

Embodied stability,
Seeing with the farsighted, empty, open, spacious, blue sky mind,
The dawning of the clear light of bliss,
The smile of loving kindness,
Centered in that which holds,
Living with wisdom and compassion.

The phrase Embodied Stability is repeated three times, once each for the body, the mind and the heart.

Seeing With The Farsighted, Empty, Open, Spacious, Blue Sky Mind is about the perspective of our consciousness. The descriptive words expand it in various dimensions.

The Dawning Of The Clear Light Of Bliss illuminates the mind and draws forth the inner sun present in our heart with it’s rays of ecstasy.

The Smile Of Loving Kindness is essential in this time of social distancing and isolation. As Hazrat Inayat Khan reminds us “Heart speaks to heart, soul speaks to soul.”

Centered In That Which Holds is the core practice or Dharma for this era of Planetary transition. It is essential to know what teaching and practices enable you to hold your center. Not just for yourself, but for the state of the world.

Living With Wisdom And Compassion is to see with the eyes of the Buddha. Compassion expressed with wisdom and Wisdom offered with compassion.