Blessings from Mirabai Starr

I was just blessed to spend two days in a webinar by Mirabai Starr on Theresa of Avila. We dove deep together with 60 or so other souls into the words and poetry of this amazing saint who, through her work, carries us into the crystal palace of our innermost longings. I can’t recommend highly enough Mirabai’s books on the subject. Per her suggestion, I’d recommend beginning with “Saint Theresa of Avila – Passionate Mystic.”

On today’s Instagram posting, Mirabai (assisted by Willow) offered this blessing that struck me with such resonance I felt I had to share it.

“It’s not as if falling in love with the Divine rescues us from the travails of the human condition. Our partners betray us sometimes and our dead remain dead. It’s that keeping the heart open, even in hell, makes space for the Beloved. It is in the darkest nights of our souls, when all we know is that we know nothing, that the presence of the sacred may quietly well up, mingling with our pain and connecting us to a love that will never die.”

~ Mirabai Starr – from her most recent and profound book “Wild Mercy.”