Coming Events

I just realized I’ve been neglecting all of you wonderful blog readers for a while. My apologies. There is a lot going on in the Zoom, etc world these days that I wanted to let you know about!

Wednesday (May 20 and weekly – 7:30 pm) – Seattle Dances of Universal Peace online – Tonight they are having an open mic night. They will be alternating that with dances virtually at least for a while. So, next week will be virtual DUP! I’ve attended these and even led some, and they are remarkably lovely.

“Doors” open at 7 pm, an opening walk and dance at 7:30, then open to all…. What joy to be together in this way!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 835 6970 1210
Password: 075961

Saturday (May 23 – 10 AM) ELF Qi Gong – our dear friends in Portland Elf master Chitara David and his able assistant elf Ananda Mariam have been hosting this fun, meditative exercise class for a while now. It will be ongoing on Saturday mornings.

Link to ELF Qu Gong

Memorial Day Weekend Virtual Inland NW Sufi Camp – starting on Friday evening at 7 pm and continuing throughout the long weekend at 11 am Saturday, Sunday, and Monday – and at 7 pm Saturday and Sunday. Of course, our beloved camp had to be canceled but we wanted to maintain the connection to our sangha so we’ve created a program for all to enjoy. You are welcome to join us for any of these – they will all be relatively short and totally sweet!

Zoom link is the same for each one:

Here’s a rundown of each meeting:

Friday (May 22) evening: WELCOME with Dances, come as you are, bring your welcome and a candle to light during the session if you wish, and join the circle! A reminder of our Theme for Camp (which will continue through the year into next year’s camp). Theme: “The Buddha of the Future is the Sangha.”

(Note: You will have an opportunity to place a word or phrase in the “Chat” function on Zoom on Friday night; these words and phrases, collected over the weekend, will then be magically transformed into a MESSAGE for the future. This will be further explained Friday night).

Saturday May 23) Morning: Dance/ Songs with a 5-minute focus talk followed by a breakout session.

Saturday (May 23) evening: ZIKR evening, the beautiful sacred practice of Remembrance. Several leaders. In the Zoom circle, you are welcome to turn, move, sit. All are welcome. Semazens are invited to turn in full dress during the Zikr, as they wish.

Sunday (May 24) morning: Dance/Songs with a 5-minute focus talk followed by a breakout session.

Sunday (May 24) evening: “Sunday Night Live” Visibility Show presented by internationally acclaimed Nur Ali and Ananda. Be thinking about whether you and your family might want to create a live skit or a live song. Contact Nur Ali to leave information about what you plan to do: The time will be very limited, like 2-3 minutes so plan accordingly so the virtual hook doesn’t come to get you!

Monday (May 25) Morning: A not too long closing session with lighting of the candles to symbolize the Eternal Wisdom that has been provided to humanity. Then a special treat, answering the question: “HOW DOES THE UNIVERSE WORSHIP?” and closing songs/ Dances.

Monday (May 25 – 6 pm) and Ongoing on Mondays – Chants and Mantra with Gina Salā: This is a beautiful offering by my friend Gina. I highly recommend it.

More info and registration

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