Coming events

Saturday 6/29 UNITY ZIKR

“Many seek for a power from without, ignorant of the fact that all power is hidden within.  When, by freeing our own mind from all that weighs it down, we realize the power we inherit from the source of all being, we will realize in ourselves an enormous power.  The master mind is the master of life.”     Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

Chishti Sufis  •  Mevlevi Order of America  •  Sufi Ruhaniat Int’l  •  Halveti-Jerrahi  •  Rifai-Marufi Order and Friends

PUGET SOUND Sufi Community




IOOF HALL•1706 NW Market Street, Ballard/Seattle, WA

$10-$20 Charitable Contribution: HOPE PROJECT

Also, Ballard Food Bank Canned Food Donation•Many Thanks, Ballard Oddfellows

Chishti Sufis 6/29/19 (206) 380-3833

Mevlevi Order of America8/31/ 784-1532

Sufi Ruhaniat Int’l 11/30/19 850-2111

Halveti-Jerrahi2/29/20 (206) 713-6917

Rifa’i-Marufi Order5/30/20 (206) 235-1902

FRIENDS from local Sufi circles, traveling the inner path in mutual respect in community for decades

gather to pray, practice, update news, share food, and make a charitable contribution

HOST TARIQAT (1) selects a charity, (2) holds post/opens/closes, (3) greets, (4) serves, (5) is responsible for clean-up.

SACRED ATMOSPHERE Announcements and fliers only pre/post-Zikr, only in entry hall or dining room, please.

FIFTH SATURDAYS 2019 3/30, 6/29, 8/31, 11/302020 2/29, 5/30, 8/29, 10/31 Please arrive on time.

Wednesday 6/26 – Dances of Universal Peace at Keystone

From sister Elizabeth:

Dear dancers

Majid and I invite you to join us this coming Wednesday to dance together celebrating the divine feminine energy that is in each of us, as expressed in different mystical traditions of the world. Modern mystic and founder of sacred activism Andrew Harvey writes, “Coming to know the hidden and forgotten Mother and the marvelous wisdom of the sacred feminine as revealed from every side and angle by the different mystical traditions is not luxury; it is, I believe, a necessity for our survival as a species.”

Keystone Church, 5019 Keystone Pl N, Seattle, 7:30PM

All love, Elizabeth