From “Collapsing Consciously,” 2013 by Carolyn Baker

Resisting or postponing the collapse will only make it worse. Finding new ways to grow the economy will only consume what is left of our wealth. Let us stop resisting the revolution in human beingness. If we want to outlast the multiple crises unfolding today, let us not seek to survive them. That is the mind-set of separation; that is resistance, a clinging to a dying past. Instead, let us shift our perspective toward reunion and think in terms of what we can give. What can we each contribute to a more beautiful world? That is our only responsibility and our only security. 

~Charles Eisenstein, Sacred Economics~

How refreshing it is for me when I encounter people who are open to and preparing for collapse! How draining it is when I encounter those who attempt to convince me that I’m delusional and that collapse can be prevented, avoided, or at worst, that it will never happen.

Echoing Eisenstein’s words above, for any of us to resist collapse is to resist “the revolution in human being-ness.” This demise, unraveling, Great Turning—this dissolution of life as we have known it is endeavoring to pull us downward together into a planetary, collective descent for the purpose of transforming human consciousness and restoring our relationship with the earth community. At the same time that each of us is manifesting personal collapse in our individual lives (the microcosm), the macrocosm is drawing us conjointly inward and more deeply toward the earth. If we are willing to move with the descent, we have the capacity to experience the revolution in our human being-ness. If we resist, we re-commit to our separation and abdicate our transformation.

Re-union, both on the microcosmic level of the individual psyche, as well as in the macrocosm, is waiting to happen to us. The collapse of industrial civilization is humanity’s golden opportunity for re-union on every level. It beckons us to discover what can happen to us as individuals and as communities when we begin thinking in terms of what we can give to each other and what beauty we can create. Indeed, it is our only responsibility and our only security.