Joy and Delight

After the last week of horror and continuing despair, I am feeling the importance of remembering joy. I hope you will find this “On Being” episode as refreshing as I have.

“There is a question floating around the world right now: “How can we be joyful in a moment like this?” To which writer Ross Gay responds: “How can we not be joyful, especially in a moment like this?” He says joy has nothing to do with ease and “everything to do with the fact that we’re all going to die.” The ephemeral nature of our being allows him to find delight in all sorts of places (especially his community garden). To be with Ross Gay is to train your gaze to see the wonderful alongside the terrible, to attend to and meditate on what you love, even in the work of justice.

Click on the link below to hear the podcast:

Tending Joy and Practicing Delight with Ross Gay

2 Replies to “Joy and Delight”

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    1. Hello and thank you for your inquiry. I do not accept guest posts, and though your content is interesting, it is not something that fits the audience I am addressing here specifically.

      I hope you will subscribe if you find this site valuable and feel free to share it with others. And I will keep an eye on your site as I have time, and may refer people to it if there is something that seems germane to our work.

      Wakil David

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