Musical Balm for Sore Souls

“Don’t let it bring you down
It’s only castles burning
Just find someone who’s turning
And you will come around”

~ Neil Young

This song keeps rolling through my head these last few days. 

The insanity, stupidity, inhumanity, and ignorance of the SCOTUS ruling and all those conservative politicians and their flocks of fools can certainly bring one down.

But instead I choose to look for my beloveds who are turning and join their dance. And we will come around.

In the Sufi tradition there’s an aspect of the divine – what we call a wazifah – one of the 99 names of Allah or attributes of God. It is one of my favorites,  “Tawwab.” It is part of forgiveness of yourself and others that translates as turning back from forgetfulness to remembrance that all is divine, all is beauty, harmony, and love. 


Don’t let it bring you down

It’s only castles burning 

Just find someone who’s turning

And you will come around.

May it be so…