Meditation Practice – Being Mindful of Race

This comes from Fr Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations blog and is a thoughtful look at ways in which we can use meditative practices to help us “move through suffering and find creative responses.”

From the post:

“Meditation teacher Ruth King helps people cultivate awareness of how we impact each other and ourselves, especially being “mindful of race.” For those of us who are white, thinking about our own race can be unfamiliar and uncomfortable. For people of color whose ancestors and they themselves have experienced oppression, this exploration can be quite painful. But the path toward healing for all of us includes attending to the details, as Holmes suggests, and seeing reality as it is. “

Practice: Attending to Details

The mystic’s concern with the imperative for social action is not merely . . . to feed the hungry, not merely to relieve human suffering and human misery. If this were all, in and of itself, it would be important surely. But . . . the basic consideration has to do with the removal of all that prevents God from coming to . . . [fullness] in the life of the individual. Whatever there is that blocks this, calls for action. —Howard Thurman [1]

Each Saturday we offer an invitation to contemplative practice. You may not always choose to try the practice we suggest, but I hope you will explore today’s, even if you have a regular contemplative practice.

One of our Living School teachers, Dr. Barbara Holmes, writes about “crisis contemplation” as a way to express grief and find refuge in the midst of danger. We need practices to move through suffering and find creative responses. One example of crisis contemplation occurred on plantations:

Here, enslaved Africans created narratives of survival that depended on personal courage and God’s deliverance. The word courageous within the context of slavery is problematic because it has incongruous but romantic overtones. Those who attempt to describe the horrors of one holocaust or another inevitably use language that mythically denies, romanticizes, or diminishes the oppression. When history is collapsed into myth, responsibilities become diffused, and repentance and reconciliation become impossible.

In the inflated realm of mythical oppression, villains are so villainous that no one sees themselves reflected in the image. Few can trace accrued privileges to specific and intentional evil acts. Similarly, victims become so quintessentially and epically victimized that all escape routes from the condition are sealed off by a maze of self-doubt, blaming, and low self-esteem. The antidote to this phenomenon is to attend to the details, to understand the specific events, ancestors, life stories, causes of oppression, and avenues of social change. Historical and spiritual specificity is salvific. Then and only then can the movement toward moral flourishing begin. [2]

Meditation teacher Ruth King helps people cultivate awareness of how we impact each other and ourselves, especially being “mindful of race.” For those of us who are white, thinking about our own race can be unfamiliar and uncomfortable. For people of color whose ancestors and they themselves have experienced oppression, this exploration can be quite painful. But the path toward healing for all of us includes attending to the details, as Holmes suggests, and seeing reality as it is.

Find some uninterrupted time to reflect on Ruth King’s questions below. After you’ve held these with an open heart, you may wish to do some research with an open mind.  

  • Where in your life do you feel numb, shut down, dismembered, disrespected, or disconnected? What is your earliest memory of feeling this way? What events or circumstances do you believe gave birth to these experiences? What do you believe such feelings keep you from knowing?
  • What racial identities or ethnicities have shaped how you have come to know yourself as a race?
  • What views did your ancestors, elders, parents, or caretakers have about race? How did their views impact you? In what ways were/are your views similar or different?
  • What are the roots of your racial lineage? Given your lineage, what has your race gained or lost throughout the generations? How have these gains or losses influenced your racial views today? [3]

[1] Howard Thurman, “Mysticism and Social Action,” cited in Alton B. Pollard III, Mysticism and Social Change: The Social Witness of Howard Thurman (Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers: 1992), 65.

[2] Barbara Holmes, Joy Unspeakable: Contemplative Practices of the Black Church, 2nd ed. (Fortress Press: 2017), 80.

[3] Ruth King, Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out (Sounds True: 2018), 173, 174.

Hugging Meditation by Thich Nhat Hahn

This is such a sweet and needed meditation practice in these times.

From the article:

“In my hermitage, I have planted beautiful trees. When I do walking meditation, I often stop and hug one of the trees, breathing in and out. It’s very nourishing. The tree gives me strength, and it always seems to me that the tree responds to my hugging and breathing.”

“Hugging meditation is a chance to practice our awareness of impermanence. Each time we hug, we know it may be the last time. Our deep awareness of the impermanent nature of things inspires us to be very mindful, and we naturally hug each other in a deep, authentic way, appreciating each other completely.”

At the end of the article, he outlines the steps for his hugging meditation practice. Absolutely worth finding a time and place to try it out. Next time I see you, let’s give it a try!

Joy and Delight

After the last week of horror and continuing despair, I am feeling the importance of remembering joy. I hope you will find this “On Being” episode as refreshing as I have.

“There is a question floating around the world right now: “How can we be joyful in a moment like this?” To which writer Ross Gay responds: “How can we not be joyful, especially in a moment like this?” He says joy has nothing to do with ease and “everything to do with the fact that we’re all going to die.” The ephemeral nature of our being allows him to find delight in all sorts of places (especially his community garden). To be with Ross Gay is to train your gaze to see the wonderful alongside the terrible, to attend to and meditate on what you love, even in the work of justice.

Click on the link below to hear the podcast:

Tending Joy and Practicing Delight with Ross Gay

Beautiful Spoken Word Poetry from Ibrahim Baba

One of the greatest influences on Starr King School for Ministry which I am attending has been Dr. Ibrahim Farajaje Baba who acted as provost for nearly 20 years. He was a uniquely gifted orator, teacher, lover, and champion of intersectional awareness. I feel so blessed to bask in the legacy he has left us.

This video is of a lecture he gave for a Faculty Summit in 2010. The whole thing is worth listening to, but please at least skip forward to the beautiful spoken word poetry that starts at around 26:20.

Moving poetic recitation begins at 26:20

More Events – Whidbey Zikr

Aug 11 Sunday – Zikr on Whidbey Island

From brother Hassan:

Whidbey Island Zikr Circle 
Sunday, August 11th
Gathering at 6 pm
Potluck 6:30 pm
Zikr Circle 7:30 pm

Unity of Whidbey
5671 Crawford Rd Langley Wa
Open Circle all welcome!
360 321 2001 for info

Hello from Montana!  Sending this out tonight to remind everyone that there will be zikr circle this Sunday.   Hamid will lead, accompanied by Yana Viniko on keyboards and Khalid Ron Ward on Djembe and perhaps others.   Please plan to partake of this, bring a friend, and enjoy the exploration of the divine names in Arabic together.   Heart into heart, light into light.

Time for the Wild Video Experience

NOTE: I will be at Northwest Sufi Camp next week and then in Berkeley for school the rest of August – so there may be less of these blog posts (although I expect to be able to do some during that time).

As we all know, one of the best cures for despair and overwhelm is to get into the forests and wild places and allow them to heal you. The trees and the animals and the mycelium and the dirt, as well as the ancestors whose bones you walk upon, are all there eagerly awaiting your open heart to join them and feel their genuine and never-ending love, compassion, affection, and healing, connected energy.

So, get into nature as often and for as long as possible. But for those in-between times, here is a quick reminder and dose of beauty. Have a good sound system or earphones and let yourself sink into this experience.

From the site:
“In a short and strikingly beautiful cinematic journey to wild places we are asked to think about how we are leaving the natural world for generations to come. What if our children’s children could never lay eyes on wild country because it is already destroyed? Spending time in the wild is not a past-time, the narrator tells us, rather it is a biological necessity like water, air and food. The video ends on a hopeful note, pointing out that thousands of people are spending their time working to leave their areas better than when they arrived.”

Click on the link below to experience this video journey:

Time For the Wild

Dances of Universal Peace this week!

NOTE: I will be at Northwest Sufi Camp next week and then in Berkeley for school the rest of August – so there may be less of these blog posts (although I expect to be able to do some during that time).

Aug 7 – Dances of Universal Peace at Keystone Congregational Church – Wednesday nights as always, beginning at 7:30 pm and ending at 9:30 pm.

Keystone Congregational Church – 5019 Keystone Pl N, Seattle, WA 98103
Google Maps

All are welcome – donations accepted but no one turned away for lack of funds.

All dances are taught and relatively simple.

Fragrance-Free please due to allergies.

Aug 9 – Dances of Universal Peace in Shoreline – From sister Hayra:

It’s cool inside!
Please join Hayra and Zarifah
with Shakur Allah and other favorites.

These Dances are comprised of simple circle movements to rich live music, inspired by wisdom traditions from around the globe.

Each Dance is taught, no need to bring a partner, no experience necessary.
Come as you are or dress elegantly. Comfortable shoes or bare feet recommended.

Shoreline Peace Dance
Friday, August 9th, 2019, 7:30-9:30 pm
and every 2nd Friday
The Evergreen Building
18021 15th Ave. NE, Suite 101
Shoreline, WA 98155
map- Namaste Yoga Studio

Ample Parking
~Suggested donation $5-15.
You are welcome regardless of funds.
ADA accessible.

All are welcome and will be included.

Got Questions? 
Ginger Hayra, 206 546-6092
Zarifah Spain, 541 337-4604
or Elizabeth Dequine,, 206 612-5913
Shoreline Peace Dancing

Zikr and Potluck in Lake City Aug 3

Seattle Sufi Ruhaniat Int’l

Saturday, August 3, 2019

6 pm POTLUCK        7 pm ZIKR & TURNING

LAKE CITY • 2844 NE 117th Street • Seattle, WA 98125


INFORMATION(206) 850-2111

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Beneficent.
Sing Ya Allah, and let Your song be one of triumph for the world!
Sing, O humanity, and let your song be one of rejoicing in your God!
Sing, O heart, and let your ebullient harp-strings resound!
Sing, O breath, and let your flute-notes penetrate the air!
For in this time of trepidation and uncertainty,
In this time when humanity fears even its own endeavors,
When the fear toward God is but a shadow of that fear,
Hearts and minds and inner beings have lost their anchors
And the Word of Allah by which heavens and earth were made
Has been turned into a complicated mystery
Which the human ego-mind does not comprehend.
Let the soul now sing that it become utterly triumphant,
Let the soul now sing that it become totally free.
That murmurs and forebodings be dispersed.
And the universal Light become known to all.

The Jerusalem Trilogy


Dances of Universal Peace at Woodinville Unitarian

Sunday, July 21 starting at 7pm

From brother Murad Phil:

Greetings Dancers!

Midsummer dance in Woodinville this Sunday! Come meet, share our summer
joys and sorrows, sink into the beauty of the gentle summer evening.
Murad Phil and Elizabeth will lead dances of joy and of deep compassion
for all the world. Light snacks will be available.

7:00 PM Woodinville Unitarian Universalist Church.
Map <,-122.0832452,17.37z>

phil murad

When all your desires are distilled
you will cast just two votes
To love more,
And be happy.

And when the Moon says,
“it is time to

Why not dance,
Dance and

Exquisite Article by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Dear friends,
I will be traveling for the next couple of weeks so there may be no postings or at least fewer.

This is a truly wonderful and moving article by one of our wise Sufi Sheiks (Click on the title/link to go to the full article).

Living the Moment of Love, by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Some excerpts:

“Spiritual practices—meditation, mindfulness—can help give us access to these moments [of blissful connection to the All]. But is it enough just to live them in their innocence, or do we need to bring an awareness of the changing story that surrounds them, a story of the Earth abused and exploited, species depleted, waters made toxic? And how can we reconcile the wonder of the moment with our responsibility and love for the Earth that gives us these moments? What does it really mean to live in the now?”

“Passing from innocence to experience, awareness of the moment has many ingredients. If we listen carefully it carries the stories of the present time, of what is being destroyed, abandoned, desecrated. As much as we respond to the joy of a newborn baby, it is important that we are also aware of the colors that are beginning to fade, of an interior music that is becoming fainter and fainter. We are here to hear the stories of the Earth, of the life that is around us—not as children without responsibility, but bearing part of the burden for what is happening. Each in our own way we recognize and respond to what is changing.”

“How we live this destiny depends upon how we live the intersection of change and the changeless, the eternal and the transitory. This is where the two seas meet, where the Divine and human intersect. It is here that the destiny of the soul is fully realized, and here where we are also awake to the world soul, the anima mundi, and its sacred nature. Here our hearts can hear the real need of the time, and open to the story of love that is life’s greatest secret. Science may tell us that our world is made of atoms, particles, and electrons, but there is a deeper wisdom that knows that the world is created out of love. As human beings we have the capacity to fully live this mystery of love, and so participate in the healing and transformation of the Earth.”

“With an open heart we can see and sense the sacred nature of all of life. We can return reverence to the multiplicity of creation, and to its “interbeing.” Love and the sacred nature of creation belong together: they are crucial to life’s well-being. And in each moment we can live this power of love; with all our senses we can be awake to what is sacred. Here we step into the arena of real service, service to life and love, with our hands and hearts. Life will speak to us as it spoke to our ancestors, and if we listen attentively it will tell us how to help in its time of need. This is when the moment becomes fully alive and prayer and action are bonded together.”