Poem from Retreat

Dear friends,
I’ve just finished a wonderful and profound 5-day silent meditation retreat in a cabin near her Majesty Tahoma (aka Mt. Rainier). After a 12.5 mile hike to see this wondrous site pictured below, the following poem came to me in the early morning after a deep contemplation practice.

I am
I am singing a robin song.
A nuthatch song
A pigeon song

I am reaching my roots deep into the Earth.
The critters
the mycelium
the dirt

I am pulling the sap up through my bark.
I am reaching toward the golden sun.

I am reflecting green light in a million different hues.
From leaf
from moss
from fern
from needle

I am feeling the breeze on my bare skin.
I am feeling the cold in my toes.

I am singing a creek song.
I am singing a breeze song.

I am the breeze.
I am the song.
I am delight.

I am light
I am heart.
Only heart

I am

3 Replies to “Poem from Retreat”

  1. Very beautiful Wakil! Thank you for sending it. I will keep it.

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