The Order of the Sacred Earth

Today, I want to lift up this important and timely organization that is applying sacred activism principles to our work for the earth mother.

The Order of the Sacred Earth

Forest meditation. Photo by Oluremi Adebayo from Pexels
From author and peace and justice activist Deborah Santana:

In our church, we joined with others who wanted to eradicate racism peacefully.  It was our mission, as people of color who follow Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to stop racist oppression through peaceful protest and working together to change politics of persecution. 

The idea and vision to have a spiritual order to celebrate, heal, and protect Mother Earth is a gallant one.  To dedicate ourselves to this community will require deep prayer and the practice of nonviolence as we witness the destruction of our planet. 
I hear the Earth crying for people to rise up and act as if every decision we make will either destroy or protect the planet….In order to stand in unity with the Order, I must sit in silence, and in prayer. 
When I am quiet, the wind whispers loving songs through tree leaves, birds whistle sweet melodies that soothe my soul.  The ocean waves remind me of nature’s power, and each sunrise is a promise that I have been given another chance to make choices that preserve and replenish the gifts for Mother Earth.

The Order of the Sacred Earth is asking us to serve, give back, to become part of a spiritual order.  They ask us to hope.