The Un-legacy Legacy

I truly enjoyed this weekly teaching from Tovah Zev and Ted Falcon. They host “The Anokhi Community.”

From their web page:
“The purpose of authentic spirituality is to awaken to the true Potential of Being human. It’s not to change who we are or become something other than we are. It is to Realize Who we are.”
“Anokhi is a Hebrew word meaning, “I AM.”
“The intention of the Anokhi Community is to provide spiritual guidance in a safe and sacred space for your own journey of Remembering, of Awakening, an opportunity to come Home to your own I AM-ness.”

Weekly Teaching for the Week of October 24 – 30
Toward a Meaningful Personal Legacy

We know that we best prepare for our death by creating greater aliveness right now. In this month’s exploration of Death and Dying, we have considered not only the ways the ego fears death, but the ways this same ego fears living fully. The sense of separateness that is specific to the ego keeps us from appreciating the wonders unfolding in each moment. In our limited and mistaken ego identity, we experience and defend our story of separateness rather than breathe into the joy of our participation with all the incredible expressions of Life of which we are a part.

Because the ego is aware of its vulnerability, it seeks ways to create the illusion of security. Because the ego fears for its own survival, it seeks ways to expand its power and its influence. One of the ways the ego does this is through seeking a personal legacy – something that gives the appearance that our ego identity will continue after our death.

This desire for an ego-satisfying personal legacy, for leaving behind something that will show that our lives had meaning and purpose, gets confused with our desire to truly make a positive difference in our lives. When our pursuit of legacy comes from an ego desire for personal recognition, imagining that our ego identity should endure, we perpetuate the belief in separation that is the hallmark of this limited ego identity.

At the same time, we surely can live in ways that contribute more fully to the common good. We can live in ways that reflect meaningful connections to others and to all life. We can create meaning and beauty that can support others not only when we are alive but after we have died.

The legacy of the ego communicates the importance of that ego and cannot help but create comparison, competition, and separation.

So what would it look like to leave a non-ego legacy that would increase energies of Connection rather than separation?

Perhaps you know of the imperative when backpacking to “leave no trace behind.” Conscious campers are encouraged not only to return the area to how they found it, but to make it even better. There is no name attached to indicate who has done this. There is no name needed. There is simply the realization that Connection and Oneness has been increased – that we are leaving something to greet the next camper, and perhaps to inspire them in turn.​

It’s like an “Open Source” legacy, where we consciously make something better in order to provide for someone else. Any ego announcement would, in fact, detract from what we are leaving behind.

Most importantly, we can begin our own legacy right now as we consider what energies, vibrations, and acts in the world we would like to provide that can support us all. How can we act in our world to decrease the illusion of separateness and affirm our Oneness? How can we make things better right here where we are?

Journal Prompt:
I choose to leave a legacy by acting in ways that support greater Oneness and Connection by. . . .
I choose to leave a legacy with vibrations that contribute to the Common Good when I. . .

Waking Practice:
At every moment, we have an opportunity to leave a legacy. We have the opportunity to create environments that can support greater Connection and Oneness. In moments of pause and awareness this week, practice holding the vibrations supportive for all Life. Imagine that you are creating an environment which is welcoming to all.

It is a joy to journey in Community in this unfolding Adventure in Consciousness!

With much love and many blessings –

Tovah and Ted