Beautiful 4-directions Prayer

I was blessed to hear this beauty 4-directions poem-prayer during a Creation Spirituality webinar and wanted to share it with you:

Mother Earth, beloved garden, living treasure under foot,
All our days you ground our being: sage and thistle, grass and root.
Herbs to heal us, plants to feed us, land to till and tend and plow.
With the pendant, deep as midnight, North we ask you: be here now.

Father Air, your inspiration holds together all that lives.
As we breathe, our minds see clearly, leading us to love and give.
Raging whirlwind, whispered breezes, violent gale and gentle cloud.
With the blade as sharp as morning, East we ask you: be here now.

Brother Fire, great transformer, share the passion of the sun.
In our hearths, your warmth revives us, cooks our food and heats our homes.
Flaming candle, blood within us, blazing desert, will to grow.
With the wand, directing power, South we ask you: be here now.

Sister Water, ever flowing, ocean, river, pond and rain.
Drink we now and quench our thirsting, cleanse us, we begin again.
Mist and ice, a host of changes, all that courage will allow.
With the cup, the holy chalice, West we ask you, be here now.

Lover Spirit, intuition in the center of our souls.
In your love we find relation. All connected, we are whole.
Timeless mystery, quiet conscience, deepest values, voice inside.
With the drum and with the cauldron, this we ask you, be our guide.

~ Amanda Udis-Kessler ~

2 Replies to “Beautiful 4-directions Prayer”

  1. Thank you so much, Wakil. I love it. I am a true affecionada to the
    EARTH MOTHER! Blessed Be.

  2. Thank you for sharing this prayer. I learned 4 direction prayers in 2009 while on retreat and have continued the practice ever since. Until recently you could find me praying this way at dawn from a hilltop on sacred ground. Your post reminds me to start doing this again. Again, thank you!

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