Steady On the Path

As I return today to my home after a wonderful road trip with my family, in my meditations this morning I was contemplating an email message that one of of my mureeds recently sent asking for guidance on holding patience and balance in these challenging times. I responded to my Sufi students this morning and then realized that I’d wanted to share it more widely with all of you.

This chant/dance of universal peace came to me. It is written by the wonderful Maitreya and is one of my favorites.

I have attached both a pdf with the words and explanations and short audio of the music. 
Here is more information about the three wasaif that are used:

Ya Muqtadir (yaa muk-TA-dir) Al-Muqtadir is the one who places you on a particular path to God and enables you to firmly put your feet on that path, and keep going on that path, step by step. It brings the ability to actualize the divine purpose in your life. The power that is guiding you has put you in this very specific situation, here and now. There are no mistakes, and nothing is ever wasted or lost. Each soul is unique, with a unique purpose in life. That is the meaning of al-Muqtadir. To realize its meaning, each person needs to recognize al-Qadir and lovingly engage his or her will to fulfill it. The lover thus makes use of whatever power the beloved has granted and uses that power in the wise and beautifully proportioned way present in its very nature.

From the Physicians of the Heart: A Sufi View of the Ninety-Nine Names of Allah (Kindle Locations 1791-1798)

Ya Qadir (yaa ḲAA-dir) Al-Qadir is the expression of all the purpose and all the strength and will in the universe as one power. Nothing is unconnected from this divine power. Through awakening to it, the traveler on the spiritual path realizes that there is a path and a specific destination. Al-Qadir gives a definite meaning and a real purpose to everything in life. Al-Qadir also means unlimited capacity, and that every person has that capacity. Such a realization gives you a sense of value, power, and spaciousness, as well as a confidence that all things are possible. You are inherently able to receive and contain anything that may come, and to regard it as a divine gift. Al-Qadir expresses omnipotence, power, endurance, and proportionality. It is the power to both manifest and contain manifestation. Invocation of Ya Qadir is an antidote to feeling worthless and powerless and offers relief to those who believe that they are living wasted lives. We recommend that it be combined with Ya Muqtadir

From Physicians of the Heart: A Sufi View of the Ninety-Nine Names of Allah (Kindle Locations 1781-1789).

Ya Matin (yaa ma-TEEN) Al-Matin is the kind of strength that makes one consistent and dependable. At the scale of the whole universe, this balanced rhythm is an expression of divine omnipotence. It gives the strength to keep on keeping on. It involves mastery as well as stability. You become like a rock or a mountain. You feel grounded in the world because you are grounded in your own self, and this gives you integrity as a human being. A quality that indicates al-Matin in your life is the presence of rhythm, daily rhythm. The power that comes from this rhythmic existence is a kind of balance, harmony, and wholeness. Al-Matin gives you the strength to handle both success and failure. It is the strength to balance and harmonize your individual needs with the needs of the group.

From Physicians of the Heart: A Sufi View of the Ninety-Nine Names of Allah (Kindle Locations 1638-1643).

Steady on the Path by Maitreya Jon Stevens

Breathe, Remember, Persist.