Poetry from the inimitable Ms. Oliver

Little Summer Poem Touching the Subject of Faith

Every summer
I listen and look 
under the sun’s brass and even
into the moonlight, but I can’t hear

anything, I can’t see anything — 
not the pale roots digging down, nor the green stalks muscling up,
nor the leaves
deepening their damp pleats,

nor the tassels making,
nor the shucks, nor the cobs.
And still,
every day,

the leafy fields
grow taller and thicker — 
green gowns lofting up in the night,
showered with silk.

And so, every summer,
I fail as a witness, seeing nothing — 
I am deaf too
to the tick of the leaves,

the tapping of downwardness from the banyan feet — 
all of it
beyond any seeable proof, or hearable hum.

And, therefore, let the immeasurable come.
Let the unknowable touch the buckle of my spine.
Let the wind turn in the trees,
and the mystery hidden in the dirt

swing through the air.
How could I look at anything in this world
and tremble, and grip my hands over my heart?
What should I fear?

One morning
in the leafy green ocean
the honeycomb of the corn’s beautiful body
is sure to be there.

~ Mary Oliver ~

(West Wind)

Thought-Provoking Poetry

Courtesy of Panhala (To subscribe to Panhala, send a blank email to Panhala-subscribe@yahoogroups.com)


Perhaps these thoughts of ours 
will never find an audience 
Perhaps the mistaken road 
will end in a mistake 
Perhaps the lamps we light one at a time 
will be blown out, one at a time 
Perhaps the candles of our lives will gutter out 
without lighting a fire to warm us. 

Perhaps when all the tears have been shed 
the earth will be more fertile 
Perhaps when we sing praises to the sun 
the sun will praise us in return 
Perhaps these heavy burdens 
will strengthen our philosophy 
Perhaps when we weep for those in misery 
we must be silent about miseries of our own 

Because of our irresistible sense of mission 
We have no choice 

~ Shu Ting ~

 (Translated by K. Kizer in Cool, Calm & Collected)

Beautiful and Moving Poetry


By Clarissa Pinkola-Estes

There is a two-million year old man

No one knows.

They cut into his rivers

Peeled wide pieces of hide

From his legs

Left scorch marks

On his buttocks.

He did not cry out.

No matter what they did, he held firm.

Now he raises his stabbed hands

and whispers that we can heal him yet.

We begin the bandages,

The rolls of gauze,

The unguents, the gut,

The needle, the grafts.

We slowly, carefully turn his body

Face up,

And under him,

His lifelong lover, the old woman,

Is perfect and unmarked

He has laid upon

His two-million year old woman

All this time, protecting her

With his old back, his old scarred back.

And the soil beneath her

Is black with her tears.

Events this Week – Chanting with Gina Sala, Dances of Universal Peace, and Devotional Sufi Music/Poetry

This Wednesday (June 19), as always, Dances of Universal Peace at Keystone Congregational Church.

From sister Chandra Devi

Dear Ones,

Glorious summer is here! I, Chandra Devi, will be leading with Nuria Mubeen
this Wednesday, June 19th from 7:30-9:30PM at Keystone (5019 Keystone Pl.
N., Seattle).

Our theme is “Raising Our Soaring Hearts to the Heavens!” Our
musicians will be Hassan and Jahnavi. Please come celebrate summer and our
Oneness. And bring your friends! If you are new to our dance circle, COME!

No experience needed.

Chandra Devi
Contact: judythr@gmail.com

Chanting and Travel with Gina Sala

From Gina:

*Monday Mantra & Chant Class in Seattle area June 17th

*Friday, June 21 Solstice Celebration with Gina Salā & Friends in Seattle

*Discount Tickets Bhakti Fest, Sept. 25-30, ’19

*India Tours since 2005! Inspiration, Integration, Illumination – Oct 15th-Nov 4th, 2019

Not only is it solstice, there is a full moon. May love surround you like sunshine on a sunny day.-Wm. Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Dear friends-

The sun is shining bright in one of the longest days of the year, the sky is blue, the ground is warm and it is full moon time. May you feel the fullness/wholeness and completeness (“puurna” in sanskrit) of that Love within you that is always present. We are here to grow in Love, here, in human form in apparent duality. We do not have to be perfect to be loved or even worthy of love. We can be healthy in discernment, but still allow that Love to shine on everyone. Friends, special blessings on this of the Divine Masculine- radiant solar energy, and to all you dads and all who have shared this divine masculine parenting energy in any way. We are always learning, and all have blind spots. Forgiveness of self and other is like regular house cleaning. Love frees us all to remember Who we are, and feel our union. You are worthy and we are all awakening, even as the cucumber is released from the vine at the right time.

Friends, come chant with us and remember Who you are this Monday, June 17 (harmonium a chant classes) and on the full moon and Friday, June 21 on the Summer Solstice with deep music and a full grooving band for kirtan! It is in allowing even in human form to be touch in vibration by Divine Love, that we transform, that the world transforms! Join us!

Special offerings this week:

Welcome Monday Moonday, June 17- harmonium class at 6:15 and chant/mantra raga class 7:30 pm at Shanti Shala to start the week off in high vibrations and loving community. Please write to info@ginasala.com for details and to RSVP. End the week and sing at the peak – summer solstice this Friday, June 21 also at 7:30. The band includes the grooving Jeremy Jones on percussion, Stephen Metcalf on bass, Lisa Budell, Curt Rosengren on vox, Steve Grant on Vox and other rhythms, plus other guests and… YOU! Proceeds help support the Backbone Campaign and Oceans Conservancy. Tickets are $25 in advance here or $30 at the door. Of course, write for special requests or needs.

Also, if India calls you to come, join us on this year’s River of Sound India Tour. I’ve been leading the tour since 2005 and am offering some different options this year, so please write soon if you are interested. Welcome.

May the great vibrations of Love and joy, of creation and Creativity that come through, bless all beings in this world with remembrance of Who we are.

Much love


“Green was the silence, wet was the light, the month of June trembled like a butterfly.”- Pablo Neruda

The Yuval Ron Ensemble Turning Heart Concert – Devotional music, poetry and teaching stories of the Sufi Path

Thursday, June 20 7:30-9:00 PM at the Interfaith Community Sanctuary
( http://interfaithcommunitysanctuary.org/ ) – 1763 NW 62nd St, Seattle, WA 98107

“Come, come, whoever you are” and join us for an evening of devotional music, sacred dance, poetry and stories with the internationally renowned Yuval Ron Ensemble
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wPmtWhoV0o ) in a rare visit to Seattle.

The Yuval Ron Ensemble endeavors to alleviate national, racial, religious and cultural divides by uniting the music and dance of the people of the Middle East into a unique mystical, spiritual, and inspiring musical celebration.

$20 suggested donation at the door.

Beautiful poetry by Rilke

 Sonnets to Orpheus, Part Two, XXIX 

Quiet friend who has come so far,
feel how your breathing makes more space around you.
Let this darkness be a bell tower
and you the bell.  As you ring, 

what batters you becomes your strength.
Move back and forth into the change.
What is it like, such intensity of pain?
If the drink is bitter, turn yourself to wine. 

In this uncontainable night,
be the mystery at the crossroads of your senses,
the meaning discovered there. 

And if the world has ceased to hear you,
say to the silent earth: I flow.
To the rushing water, speak: I am.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke ~ 

(In Praise of Mortality, translated and edited by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy)

From “Collapsing Consciously,” 2013 by Carolyn Baker


Resisting or postponing the collapse will only make it worse. Finding new ways to grow the economy will only consume what is left of our wealth. Let us stop resisting the revolution in human beingness. If we want to outlast the multiple crises unfolding today, let us not seek to survive them. That is the mind-set of separation; that is resistance, a clinging to a dying past. Instead, let us shift our perspective toward reunion and think in terms of what we can give. What can we each contribute to a more beautiful world? That is our only responsibility and our only security. 

~Charles Eisenstein, Sacred Economics~

How refreshing it is for me when I encounter people who are open to and preparing for collapse! How draining it is when I encounter those who attempt to convince me that I’m delusional and that collapse can be prevented, avoided, or at worst, that it will never happen.

Echoing Eisenstein’s words above, for any of us to resist collapse is to resist “the revolution in human being-ness.” This demise, unraveling, Great Turning—this dissolution of life as we have known it is endeavoring to pull us downward together into a planetary, collective descent for the purpose of transforming human consciousness and restoring our relationship with the earth community. At the same time that each of us is manifesting personal collapse in our individual lives (the microcosm), the macrocosm is drawing us conjointly inward and more deeply toward the earth. If we are willing to move with the descent, we have the capacity to experience the revolution in our human being-ness. If we resist, we re-commit to our separation and abdicate our transformation.

Re-union, both on the microcosmic level of the individual psyche, as well as in the macrocosm, is waiting to happen to us. The collapse of industrial civilization is humanity’s golden opportunity for re-union on every level. It beckons us to discover what can happen to us as individuals and as communities when we begin thinking in terms of what we can give to each other and what beauty we can create. Indeed, it is our only responsibility and our only security.

From Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox

Banner Image: "The Motherhood of God" by Analise Rigan
Illustration by Analise Riggen

Father Sky and the Cosmic Christ
Meditation #24, June 4, 2019     Balancing Gender, Reinventing Culture

Talking about Father Sky means talking about the cosmos.  Thanks to scientific discoveries of the past 100 years launched by the seminal breakthroughs of Albert Einstein and Ernest Hubble, we now know that we belong to a universe that is vast and expanding, full of creativity (a star is being born every 15 seconds!) and deeply mysterious (96 percent of matter is either dark energy or dark matter and thus very difficult to see and full of mystery). 

The universe we dwell in, our home and matrix, is 13.8 billion years old and all its “stuff” is related, since it began smaller than a pinpoint and has developed and expanded ever since.

Read More

Book Recommendation – Wild Mercy by Mirabai Starr

In the crowded hall of Bellingham’s Village books, I listened with growing enthusiasm and emotions as my friend Mirabai Starr introduced us to her latest book, ‘Wild Mercy.’ (https://g.co/kgs/Ew4FCi) I knew at that moment that a deep yearning I had felt for a long time was being addressed. And as a white cis-gendered male perched uncomfortably on the pinnacle of privilege, I also knew this was another important call to action. 

My friend Aziz Gary Guest and I were working on the facilitation of a men’s group for our spiritual community’s gathering over Memorial Day and this was obviously the subject that we needed to address. As men in this patriarchal society, it is often hard to recognize the ocean of privilege we swim in and the consequent woundedness that we have suffered along with our marginalized siblings. With the Shekina prayer as our compass (we read it over many times during our time together) – the men found the beginnings of guidance toward a different way to envision the culture, the planet, our siblings, and the world we walk through each day. We were inspired to find new ways to be in that world and to pray Hineni (Hebrew: “Here I am”) each morning for the Divine One to guide us toward the “purpose Thy Wisdom (Shekina!) chooseth.”  (from a prayer by Hazrat Inayat Khan a Sufi master who brought Sufism to the West in the early 20th Century). 

This is work that not only begins to heal our own wounds but has the potential to lift us all into the birth of the new humans we can and must become if there is to be a future at all. Aziz and I, Wakil, hold deep gratitude to our dear sister Mirabai and to the many feminine icons and teachers to whom she has pointed us for guidance in ‘Wild Mercy.’ May we walk this path together, hand in hand, heart to heart, in love, harmony, beauty, compassion, empathy, and remembrance.


Invitation – Lummi Nation Totem Pole Journey to support our Orca siblings


We Will Rise Again:

Lummi Nation qwe lhol mechen Totem Pole Journey

Bring Tokitae Home

In 1970, over 40 orcas were brutally captured from the Salish Sea in Washington State, one of the world’s richest and most biologically diverse inland seas. They were taken to marine parks around the world. Tokitae is the sole surviving orca in captivity. Now, the Southern Resident orca population is teetering on the verge of extinction with only 75 individuals in the wild.

This month, the Lummi Nation invites you to participate in gatherings across our region dedicated to the qwe lhol mechen, the “killer whale people that live under the water.”

The Lummi Nation House of Tears Carvers’ 2019 Totem Pole Journey offers a vision of resilience, truth, belonging, and healing for qwe lhol mechen – and for us all in a troubled time from which we shall rise again. We hope you can join us as we stand in solidarity with the Lummi Nation to acknowledge those most impacted by pollution and the crisis in our waters, exacerbated by fossil fuel pipelines, tanker traffic, and other injustices.  

Lummi leaders are traveling from Miami to the Pacific Northwest with a totem pole, holding gatherings along the way to raise awareness of the plight of Southern Resident orcas and call for the release of Tokitae, who is held captive at the Miami Seaquarium. You can read more in this letter from the Lummi Indian Business Council.

All are welcome at the Totem Pole Journey stops across the Pacific Northwest, which are being supported by many in our coalitions. Click through the link on each location for more event information and to help spread the word.

Thank you,

Jessica Zimmerle, Earth Ministry

Power Past Coal Website | Stand Up To Oil Website | Power Past Fracked Gas Website

Coming Event – Whidbey Zikr this Sunday

From brother Hassan:

June 9th
Monthly Whidbey Zikr Circle Unity of Whidbey

5671 Crawford Rd, Langley, WA

6:00 p.m. Community Potluck. 7:30 p.m. Zikr Allah (425) 788-1617  

Please join us for our monthly Zikr and Community Potluck this coming Sunday.  We will be supported by Yana Viniko on piano and Khalid Ron Ward on drums.  

Friends it’s come to my attention that donations have been a bit slim of late.   The Unity Church is so generous to us offering their beautiful space.   And it’s nice to have some of our travel expenses covered as well.   This is a community event and we’re so grateful to all of you for your participation and generosity.   It appears that if everyone donates an average of 3 to 5 dollars we’ll be able to do this!   Please remember that your participation is the most important if funds are ever an issue.

Please note:  I will be in Montana in July and August and will miss the zikrs then.  At this time the circle will be happening.  Wakil will lead in July and Hamid is on for August.
Many thanks, and much love

Hassan for the Whidbey zikr team